Immigration Bonds
This office through ALEX BARAK represents persons in the Department of Homeland Security/ICE/Immigration detention, with decades of experience in successfully obtaining bonds for clients.
South Florida has its main detention center called Krome and it also has the Broward Transitional Center, called BTC in Pompano Beach. We fight for our clients to get out of Immigration detention by requesting a hearing before an Immigration Judge to demand a release on bond if certain prerequisites are met.
Krome generally is more lenient than the Broward Transitional Center. A person needs a form of filing for relief, or Immigration benefit, to be entitled to a bond. Persons with certain serious criminal convictions are not legally entitled to a bond. This is usually for those with a conviction of a crime from a list of “aggravated felonies.”
A person needs to establish that he/she is not a danger to the community upon release from custody and is not a flight risk, meaning he will show up for future court hearings. Once released on bond, the case is transferred to the central Immigration Court in Miami.
Only the person who posted a bond can reclaim the bond when the case is over.
Once released on a bond, which can include an ankle bracelet monitoring system, the person cannot be arrested for any crime or the bond will be forfeited and the person returned to detention.
Sometimes, both Krome and BTC are full of detainees and ICE takes the people to other jails. Before Covid 19, ICE was required to bus in all inmates from all other jails when the clients were held in other detention centers and had attorneys of record. I am sure we will return to this procedure. Right now, a video line is set up at the Court in Krome with the facility where the client is being detained.
Alex Barak, with decades of experience and success with Immigration bonds, filing for them for clients, meeting with clients, and succeeding in convincing the Immigration Judges to grant bonds, is available to provide this important legal need.
Call (954) 961-6200 for a free case evaluation.
Contact an experienced Immigration attorney, Alex T. Barak can help you today.
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